Nirvana. Returns. The VeeDub Bus. A.K.A. Billie Bud.

In the Rheidol Valley. A favourite spot a few miles away.

The VeeDub Bus has a new lease of life. Recently under the capable hands of the Guru known as Paul. Paul completely stripped down to the shell, repaired everything and ultimately renovated the VeeDub and brought her back to life. That was about 6 or 7 years ago. Now? The old engine has been replaced for a new one, by Paul, because silly, no stupid, me drove the older engine some miles down the road with a snapped fan belt. In an air cooled engine? That is the kiss of death.

So now Billie Bud, the VeeDub Bus moniker, is back. What that means is that Nirvana has returned. It now has to keep telling its stories by getting back on the road to everywhere, develop future memories and achieve an internal holistic vibe by finding a unique ‘Vintage Patina’.

An artist’s impression (Jonathan Gross) of the Bus known as Billie Bud. For the cover of his father’s, Philip Gross, book of poetry ‘Off road to Everywhere’.

Currently? She presents as a little too un-lived in. Therefore…..a feeling of being unloved. Clinical. Neat. Need to polish up, then down, to adopt an air of Bohemia. Polish down with constant use and by getting out there. Into the Welsh countryside field of dreams and create a lived in ambience. Get it looking like it’s natural. Difficult in the current newness of the VeeDub. But it’ll get there. Needs familiarity and stuff thrown into the equation. It’s not been used much since my retirement from nursing. That was a crime. Focused on the house and garden when my nurse role ended and threw myself into the DIY project full time. The VeeDub simply sat idle on the driveway and waited patiently.

The VeeDub should be a visual and tactile experience of splendour and joy by providing comfort in familiarity. The lady in the photograph below has it spot on right. I have no idea where I got this photograph unfortunately. It came from a Google Pinterest search way back when searching for ideas for Billie Bud inclusions. Simply screenshot taken for ideas and inspiration.

Will add link once Pinterest original found.

Would be nice to choose a few unique handmade add ins. Would be a dream fulfilled to build a haven of relaxation over the next few months to emulate our early hippy/health shop earthy naivety attachment days in the 1970s. We could build the VeeDub into the perfect dream space and smile with heartfelt satisfaction in it’s eventual reality. Smile in the presence of something tangible that provides well being in its comfort status.

The ethnic cushions I bought here need Cwtch-ing. But the sequins deny that choice. Scratchy bling. So maybe replacing. The dream catchers may choose to whisper back the dreams they caught aplenty. Especially the one made in the 1970s by a Native American. The newer commercial one sits in it’s light. In awe. My wife now buys from a company called Namaste. Whilst in Yorkshire we visited their warehouse. The choices! It was indeed Nirvana in itself with the plethora of ethnic inclusions. A future re-visit is a must.

The lady in that hammock with her ? ukulele. That’s cool! Got a couple of hammocks. One is made like a XXXL string vest. Exchanged for a bottle of red wine from the local ethical Mach Swap Shop. And another, bought in a charity shop, was added too. A simple striped heavy cotton. What’s the use of one isolated hammock. It shouts out ‘lonely’. Without company. Two hanging betwixt and between tree trunks. Perfect. Two people, lying in them, casually or deeply in conversation whilst looking at the sky. I’m not sure about my wife’s thoughts on using a hammock though. She would adapt having spirit in an enquiring mind. But it’s certainly a nice thought to dream of lying in a hammock under Sister Sun, the Tin Moon and the Shimmering Stars.

Choice. Haphazard. Items. Heirlooms. Gifts. Findings in vintage shops…unlooked for. Future Cherished. Character inherent in their iconic existence. As yet also, possessions within the Summers’ housebound held and not yet VeeDub visited. A collection of vintage finds that would look cool in the VeeDub interior. Awaiting an invite to the future party. Yet. No invite required. Just turn up.

The guitar, the djembe drum, the Buddha, fragrant throws, ethnic printed canopy hangings. Battery driven Christmas faerie lights that criss-cross the pop top roof and shed twinkling ambient light. Books. Journals. Watercolour paints. Pens. Inks. Oils. Resins. So many iconic’s that don’t want to be party poopers. Some remain comfortable and need to stay in their housebound existence. The house would feel lesser so without certain familiar inclusions. Other items? They whisper the need for adventures. They have an ambition to look for excitement in wanting to be part of travelling the highways and byways.

Quirky as flotsam and jetsam can become. Expressing themselves simply by ‘being themselves’, they will eventually find ways to the VeeDub threshold. Tripping and stumbling embarrassingly into the haven that is VeeDub Nirvana. Apologising for their lack of graceful character….when there is no need to. In stumbling? They hold uniqueness in the stories that befit them. They are all in conformity and equality with the all seeing VeeDub. Precious is as precious always was. Space that reverberates Nirvana. Reverberates Soul.