Now and Then. ‘Trust Me’.

Then………1982. BELOW YOUTUBE.

Playing live with the band Madness, the Team 23 sang this one below. ‘Touch Me’.

I wrote this song and played bass guitar and sang backing vocals. Albeit off key at times. Jerome sang lead vocals in the Team.

Recently I thought of using it again for The XCerts, but writing guitar phrases instead of saxophone and trumpet. But I do know a saxophone player if I decide to record it again this Summer. John, our drummer, uploaded this song on to YouTube. I found that I have to shove the volume up high to get at the true sound. It’s a fairly quiet upload.

Now…….. 2023. BELOW ON SOUND BAR.

I was faffing about with the song around December last year. Seeing if I could remember the chords put down as I wrote it back then. I presented songs like this format below when I used to take a song to the XCerts or the Team 23 rehearsals. Then, if they thought the song useful, they would take it to the places they felt comfortable with using their own instruments. I can’t tell them how to play what they do best. I would La La La the brass tunes and sing the vocals. But the rest is what they bring to the song as above in the YouTube video. If I do re-record this song in the Summer… will sound very, very different. I just don’t know how different yet.

Okay. This below sounds rough as houses. I was trying to bring back a song in my brain I’d written 43 years ago. And remember and work out the bass lines too. The vocals are bumbling along. But it gives another insight into how songwriting is developed.

Thank you for listening. All the best to you all.