The Journey…..

I was trying to remember where I put a phrase I wrote way back when starting blogging. Then the title ‘The Journey’ kind of tweaked a memory. Here it was and luckily in the first sentences.

“You don’t need an engine to begin a journey. Remaining static and in the same place daily can provide a wealth of experiences”.

The recent ‘back to the garden’ experiences and taking in your immediate surroundings whilst working on improvements and balance has much to attach to life’s point of view. When people call to visit, they find simple pleasure in the garden and its view over towards the distant sea. Or turn around the seat they are sitting in and look up towards the deciduous and evergreen woodland covered hillsides.

I cannot champion staying in one place for extremely long periods. Owning a vintage VeeDub Bus means intention to actually own an engine and get ‘out there’. But as Mindfulness shows us. Contentment in valuing the present moment wherever you are, and paying attention and experiencing fully to what is happening in front of you, is priceless.

The link to the original blog is below.

Gray Summers


You don’t need an engine to begin a journey. Remaining static and in the same place daily can provide a wealth of experiences. This gentleman has a bicycle, well two actually. The imagination starts to fly. The spade? Small excursions to a garden plot? Has he someone close who uses the other bicycle? He looks quizzically. He looks enquiringly. Self sufficient and able. Tom Good comes to mind. The Good Life, a sitcom from the 1970s told the story of Tom, who in midlife crisis is searching for the conundrum he calls “It”. What is “It” and how may it change his, up to now, materialistic and boring life as a draughtsman who draws designs of plastic animal toys to put in breakfast cereal packets. His solution is to become self sufficient in Surbiton. It’s Tom’s choice and he’s lucky to have an understanding wife, Barbara Good, who’s keen to…

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