The Beatles.

Here in the UK tonight, The Beatles are on the television for New Year’s Eve. ‘The Beatles and the BBC’. I feel so emotional. The Beatles were my essential youth. At an early age ‘She Loves You’ was first heard, by myself , back in 1964. I was 8 years old. Something inside went ‘click’. I had heard the music my parents played by Elvis, Gene Vincent, Maureen Evans, Billy Fury, Mario Lanza and so much more. On the Dansette record player was a plethora of songs played on vinyl. But then? Something went ‘Ping’. I heard ‘She Loves You’.

It was as if a source of outside identity suddenly self identified. It wasn’t that I could now find great music. I had already listened to great music. My parents were avid music fans. They played phenomenal music in our house. But this was suddenly ‘My’ music. The fact was, that The Beatles spoke directly to my soul. I can’t put my finger on why. It just happened. To many millions out there too.

I have loved The Beatles ever since. Timeless songs. I have never thought any different. They, and as solo artists too, are consistent in my life’s journey. Programmes were/are broadcast over the decades and watched on TV. Beatles major released cinema films were/are also watched. The magical songs? They are always there in presentation. From putting on vinyl or CD to listen to day to day for a week or two….on end. Or a few weeks to months in a year. Played and enjoyed beyond enjoyment. With reverence. The songs are embedded. You are settled in life and then arrives a simple TV advert, new rendition taken on a new journey or an ode of respect, from another artist, who has taken one of their songs and made it into a heartfelt moment in ‘new’ time, which is witnessed and tweaks the senses. And the songs are once again sought and played.

After a few days to weeks of listening I then go back to day to day normality or months’ long existence after a revisit to those times back when. Yet! Always they seem to arrive once again, maybe a few times a year, and life resets to Beatles love.

New Year’s Eve, and The Beatles are once again here.

Have you guessed? Yeh, yeh, yeh. I love The Beatles.