Bohemian, beards, body art, booze and baccy.

Way back in the mysts of time concerning WordPress blogs, my fourth blog written near the beginning of the blogging experience was this below. Actually, not in the mysts of time. Written in March 2018. So almost 5 years ago. But it does feel like an age now. I visited a few early blogs today in order to see the replies from certain blog exchangers I had back then. Replies that were a joy to receive. Very much like I receive now.

The blog topic below, I call it ‘The 5 B’s’, was one I wrote over the period of an hour or two. Mostly spent actually trying to figure out how to put words together on this WordPress system. I wrote far fewer blogs back then so they were long winded affairs. In my defence, I was at University and writing essays. So long winded became the norm!

Surprised by this ‘The 5 B’s’ because the inclusions below are pretty much current beliefs still. Yes, historical and hysterical issues are included. But if I wrote a blog tomorrow on the same idea? It wouldn’t be too dissimilar at all. A bit shorter maybe. Mind you. Probably not.

Gray Summers

Modern men, tattoos, beards and a beautiful air of inherent bohemian.

I began to think of artistic sources again this morning. Tattoos came to mind and the extent of modern day body art. I began to think holistically and how younger guys are adopting the bearded bohemian look alongside old style denim/cord/tweed/linen fashion, extensive jewellery, and appendages that seemed to have no considerations for boundaries. Almost steam punk in nature, but with a gentler, softer edge. I Googled and was surprised at the extent of what this base allows the brave and expressive to wear. Even older guys were there with a look that they were either absolute naturals to adopt and present in a manner like they’ve worn this stuff for years. Or maybe they have worn it in eccentricity values for years. Individuals that are comfortable in their skins. We have such individuals around our area. Machynlleth provides…

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